Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Mugusu Market and Fort Portal Rock Concert

This morning we went to a local market called Mugusu market. It was incredibly colorful and busy and filled with more people and animals and clothes and shoes and food than I’ve ever seen. It was a really fun atmosphere. One thing I didn’t like so much was that I kept passing chickens half of which were dead, the other half alive and I couldn’t predict ahead of time whether they would move at me or not. The people were so interesting. The teacher that came with us helped me bargain for a basket. The boys from Kasiisi, Steven and Edward, were so nice. They taught us to bargain in Rutooro. ‘Zingha' means 'how much,' and ‘No sera muno’ means 'too expensive.' Two very key phrases. Stephen carried the basket for me the rest of the time in the market. They were so nice.
After we went to lunch at the Rwenzori View Hotel. Katya told us it was pork and zucini. I’m not a fan of either so I wasn’t sure how good it’d be but I sat down with a semi open mind. They brought out pork. Then zucini. Then vegetables then potatoes then string beans then rice then a few more things I can’t even remember. It was all AMAZING. I even loved the ‘zucini explosion’ as we called it. I was so full after the meal and then they brought out desert. We had fresh fruit and home made ice cream. Once again amazing.
Then we headed of to a ‘rock concert’ at Fort Portal high school. I had no idea what to expect but I was pretty excited. We got there and I was in no way disappointed. There was music and dancing but not anything like what we saw at the primary schools. Joshua, the headmaster, is the best. He’s always smiling and joking and definitely always does things his own way. And the rock concert was proof of that. There was both a calypso and a bread and butter dance, two songs that are popular in Uganda. We were excited to hear them because we had heard them a couple days before and they had become two favorite Ugandan songs. The celebration was good because we were able to see what teen culture in like in Uganda. They even presented us with gifts individually. It was so nice of them I couldn’t believe it. I got a really cool straw bag. And of course they gave us even more food. It was very nice but I was ridiculously full. All the students were very friendly. I’d say over all, a great day.

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